In the above photo I am thinking... a bottle of Chateau Lafite (1970) but that evening it turned to...bear with me ...and first of all there are two things that belongs to History.....which will create History - the Written word and Art.....
The above Painting by Matisse - Women - Living Sculptures -Wine, the drink of the Gods - Wine - Those noble grapes - The nectar of life...and Art and Wine
Chateau Mouton Rothschild

1960 - Artist - Jaques Villon
In 1945 Baron Philippe commissioned painter Philippe Jullian to create a graphic piece of art based on the "V" sign made by Sir Winston Churchill during the war.

1963 - Artist - Bernard Dufour
In 1946 a contemporary artist was commissioned every year to create an original work to illustrate the label on the bottle.

1968 - Artist - Bona Tibertelli
Every artist assigned to this project can here free his/her mind and follow his own way of creativity and inspiration......


1998 - Artist - Rufino Tamayo
How wonderful! I must admit that I am partial to the that trite?