One who was fascinated by de Monfreid's life was
Sir Wilfred Thesiger who visited Al-Tair in Djibouti 1935.
Henri de Monfried - An extraordinary life - He new how to live - We are talking about pure passion for life - a risk taker who managed to live to the golden age of 95.

A Philosopher, Sailor, Writer, Gun runner -he ran guns into Abyssinia through Tajura, Hashish Smuggler - of the coasts of East Africa and Southern Arabia, and Pearl Diver - He arrived in Djibouti (then a French colony) in 1910/11 and - it was there it all started from 1912 to 1940.
"Mosquée de Mamoudi...Djibouti "- 1923"

Henri son of an artist was artistic as well and had grown up surrounded by art and artists - His father Daniel was a good friend of Toulouse-Lautrec and Paul Gauguin. Daniel - a painter,art dealer, and Gauguin’s agent in Europe during the years he resided in Tahiti and the Marquesas...

After he returned to his home country (France) from East Africa in 1947 he changed his life around to painting and writing


"Of all the creatures on the face of the earth, humans are those who adapt most easily, not only to the most extreme temperatures and climates but also to the most arduous conditions that life imposes on them." - Henri de Monfried
Before he passed away at 95 he stated: "I have lived a rich, restless, magnificent life"
Wonderful post. I have been interested in Monfreid and Thesiger for years. Note the correct spelling: M-O-N-F-R-E-I-D. My 1930 copy of 'Pearls, Arms, and Hashish' misspells his name on the cover!