Henry Miller - his home (Today the Henry Miller Library) is located at Big Sur, California, South of San Fransisco approximately 3 hour drive. Beautiful drive along the Coast. I visit his home/library in Big Sur once - the year was 1989 and it was the last year of his closest friend Emil White (who founded the library in 1981 after Henry Millers death. Henry White was a writer, a publisher and an artist who was known for his paintings of the Big Sur coast of California)- I was fortunate to meet him briefly. Henry Miller known as one of U.S. great writers....

"The Tropic of Cancer" - this book made him famous - note the text on the book cover - Not To Be Imported Into Great Britain or U.S.A. - and we know why......Anyways, he was actually a perfectly well skilled painter...
Henry Miller - 1949 - Poseidon


few paintings were sold during his lifetime.

He painted for sixty years had international exhibitions and today you can find his art in museums and private collections in US - of course - and on the continent in Europe and Asia.

Henry Miller - Tropics
He spent time on the Saronic islands and one of my favorites - Hydra - located in the Saronikos gulf - which, has been consider an island for Artists and writers alike. Miller wrote "The Colossus of Maroussi" in 1941 - the setting is Hydra. I rented a room here - right in the port - it had beautiful frescoes painted in it - a nice balcony with an excellent view of the harbour - I was told - It was here the movie "The Boy on a Dolphin" was filmed (1957)and that the room was featured in the movie.
hey man,i have just discovered Miller because a movie, and a looking to his acuarellas, it seems to me so similar to Xul Solar,an Argentinian Painter,check it man,it could be interesting for you!