Friday, May 6, 2011

Sunrise - Ballooning over Cappadocia ...Part II

(Photos by Tavarua)

A beautiful morning - clear skies and it actually warmed up some...still chilly on the ground below...


The pilot has only the burner and his knowledge about the winds - weather conditions to control and navigate its "flight"...

Sometimes the air seems motionless around you ...

We were gliding through the landscape of Love Valley, the Three Sisters and Pigeon Valley...

The shadow from our balloon...

The winds have welcomed you with softness,
The sun has greeted you with it's warm hands,
You have flown so high and so well,
That God has joined you in laughter,
And set you back gently into
The loving arms of Mother Earth.

 - Anon, known as 'The Baloonists Prayer,' believed to have been adapted from an old Irish sailors' prayer.

The flight is over - Still early morning and we have landed for a breakfast consisting of a few glasses of champagne and cake...