Wednesday, January 19, 2011

An Aesthete and Aristocrat - Alexis von Rosenberg - Baron de Redé (1922-2004)...

Baron de Redé was born in Zurich, Switzerland, on February 4 1922.

In 1946 he arrived in Paris together with Elsie de in the center of the passionate and steaming international high society Parisian life - perhaps as it once was? or is?
 With his charm and hospitality he had a inner circle of friends during his life which, included Marie-Laure de Noailles,Elsie de Wolfe, Marie-Helen de Rotschild, Francis Poulenc, Henri Sauguet, Nancy Mitford, Georges Auric as well as the artist Christian Berard,Prince Rupert zu Lowenstein, interior decorators G. Geffroi and V. Grandpierre to name a few.

Hotel Lambert

At twenty-seven he moved into a magnificent apartment in the Hotel Lambert on the Ile St Louis. Here he would entertain for the next 55 years.
The Oriental Ball in 1969

He travelled for months each year on the yacht La Gaviota with his friends and use to spend time in St Moritz at the Palace Hotel.

An exquisite host - His most famous and spectacular entertainment was the Oriental Ball at the Lambert, in December 1969. 

We all know he had a great friendship with Marie-Helene de Rothschild, wife of Baron Guy de Rothschild who bought Hotel Lambert in 1975.
In 2003 he was appointed Commandeur des Arts et Lettres, for his restoration of the Hotel Lambert.

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