Sunday, May 2, 2010

White Hunters - Ewart Grogan, Adventurer, Big Game Hunter, British Explorer and the first European to traverse the distance of the African continent...

....  from the South in Cape Town to Cairo in the North. A veteran of the 1896 Matabele War, during which he served in Cecil Rhodes personal escort.

During the Matabele War Grogan had walked the first leg from Cape Town to Beira, Rhodesia.  He returned and was accompanied to Beira by Arthur "Harry" Sharp two years after the war and in February 1898 they started the 4,000-mile second leg to Cairo. Sharp never finished as he decided not to continue into the deadly swamps south of Dinka. In early 1900 Grogan returned to London a hero. Grogan became one of the pioneer white settlers in British East Africa at this time another great man had settled there as well his name was Lord Delamere. - This was the new white man's country for any man and women with a spirit of adventure. He later served with distinction in World War I. Another great man who took a different path and followed it to the end of his days - He died in "silence and unnoticed" in Cape Town - the year was 1967, aged 92. 


  1. I had never heard of him, great post. Ap

  2. His home has recently been moved and restored in the Nairobi suburb of Karen.

  3. I want to make that journey sometime in my life start to finish. So far I've done just the very bottom and very top, at two different times.

  4. Also, I've nominated you for a special award!
