Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cold - Cold - Cold - Minus 18 Celsius....on an island in the Swedish Archipelago...

(All Photos except the Mackmyra Photo in This Post by Tavarua)

The Archipelago has always been of inspiration for many Poets, Artists and Writers...

A Swedish Barn........Red,White and Green....

I made a visit to the cold country...I stocked up on, Crabs, Lobster, Crawfish, Swedish Sea & Game delicacies... and continued my journey.....

I have spent months in the snow zone during my traveling years in the Arctic's as well as the northern archipelagos ...
Delicious dinners enjoyed under the Midnight sun or in the darkness of cold winters in front of the fire ...culinary experiences of exotic and maybe not so exotic foods...
 Seal, Whale, Elk, Boar, Reindeer, Deer, Horse (Sure, smoked is fantastic or horse tartar),Pheasant, Quail, Duck, Flounder, Crawfish, and  Rotten fish "Surstromming" (Think about it -just the name...interesting).

This duck could have been my dinner but he was very polite and asked for a snack......(Funny Language those Swedes have ...)

As you can imagine we stayed in for a while ...a couple of days by the Fireplace of my old Eccentric friend's house swapping stories from near and far around the Globe... under simple conditions...

Swedish Whisky - Mackmyra

I did have a few glasses of the Swedish Whisky - Mackmyra.....after being out in the cold...


  1. Oh my goodness, I think I am at a loss for words! Your photographs are so achingly lovely. I grew up in Norway and Sweden so they bring back a certain longing for those cold dark nights and blinding snowy days...
    I seriously CANNOT believe how much you travel!!!
    Happy New Year to you,

  2. Good Day to you, Tavarua-

    Your Morocco posts were superb.
    I especially admired the high Atlas--with such crisp outlines of mountain and palms and forts and villages.
    La Mamounia: I can't wait to visit.
    Now you are in the snow (brr...) and until I read 'sitting beside the fire drinking whisky' it did not sound so wonderful to be cold, snow-bound and surrounded by icicles.
    I flee to the Archipelago of Stockholm in July or August when it is heaven on earth. I'm trying to imagine the depth of winter: getting out to the icebound islands, unheated houses, tromping through the snow to the sauna. But then a roaring fire, company, books, whisky for warmth. Suddenly it sounds like the best thing to do. Triumphing over cold and damp is the greatest feat. And making the most of the snow--sauna and then rolling in the snow, perhaps!
    Yes, you are the cold weather expert and are clearly enjoying every moment.
    Tell us more--and we look forward to your glorious photos and reports from the field. cheers, DIANE

  3. I loved this post, and the photos. This is why I love reading your blog. Beautiful.

  4. i never liked winter because of cold. but i must admit that i cannot resist the beauty it brings. the snow, the sky in its most vivid color just makes me love earth more. keep posting. i love your photos.
