Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sven Hedin (1865 – 1956), Swedish Explorer, Photographer, Author etc.

His life was pure adventure from his four expeditions and the Trans-Himalaya mountain range to his last days in Stockholm, Sweden.

As a young teenager he looked up to famous Swedish Arctic Explorer Adolf  E. Nordenskjold. He was like Sir Richard Francis Burton multilingual and spoke with ease Tatar, Mongolian, Turkish, Persian, Tibetan, Chinese to name a few of the more exotic languages.

He spent 20 years on the Asian continent. He studied under Baron Ferdinand v. Richthofen, a traveler, geographer, and scientist. During the years of 1893 to 1897 he explored the Pamir mountains and went to cross the Taklimakan desert and advanced further into Tibet. In 1899 to 1902 it was time for Tarim Basin, Tibet, Kashmir and Calcutta to be explored. 1905 to 1908 the deserts of Central Persia.

From 1927 to 1935 - Expedition leader of the Sino-Swedish expedition into the Gobi desert, Mongolia.

From the end of 1933 to 1934, Hedin led a Chinese expedition along the Silk road (its trade routes actually connects East, West, and South Asia) from Beijing to Xinjiang. He was the last person to receive a Swedish knighthood (in 1902).

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