Saturday, September 26, 2009

An evening at Ulus 29 - Istanbul.......

(All photos in this Post by Tavarua)
a view from the terrace garden at night.....from here you can overlook the Anatolian side...

Traditional and International dishes prepared by foreign Chefs - Ulus 29 is considered one of the leading restaurants in Istanbul .......
View of the Anatolian side from the inside of the restaurant...

"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity." - Voltaire
My choice this evening - Grilled bluefish....
...the atmosphere - cosmopolitan....

a very pleasant evening....

dessert ...baklava....


  1. “This is the best of all possible worlds”…Voltaire

  2. Mmmm. Love bluefish + love bakalva + more importantlty, love eating too.

    Hope you were in good company, cause a good meal is always better when shared with people we love...
