Friday, July 17, 2009

The Nomad....

( A few those travel carpets...I live with "Under Canvas"...)
The Oriental Rug.…

I have seen generations and great cultures come and go,
I am evolution and a nomad who have traveled from far away land,
I have been part of camel caravans in the Orient, Empires, and Harems,
I lived among Arab tribes in High Atlas, Mongols, Royal Courts, in Foreign land;
I have crossed the deserts and seen arid lands, sailed the Seven Seas, trekked through Mountain passes, and frozen stiff under severe cold in Siberia,
I have been slept, prayed, meditated, sat, walked, and dined on,
It has been battles fought around me, passionate love, political discussions, secrets of significant importance has been exchanged in my presents,
I have dined with the Head of States, Royal families, fisherman, tradesmen, warriors, smugglers and pirates alike,
I have lived in tents, stately homes, palaces and simple huts,
I am surrounded by mystery of life,
People have tried to analyze my characteristics,
I am an Artist, a Poet and a Legend, a little faded but you can still see the sparkle of life in my soul,
I have stories to tell of our origins...from Shirvan, Soumak, Bokhara, Samarkand, Damascus, Turkestan, and Central Asia we came, maybe one day, one evening, in front of that old fireplace with winter so cold a story or two will be told……
I was there in the past and I will be there in the future - who am I ?
I am the Oriental Rug……

- "Tavarua"

(All Photos in this Post by Tavarua)

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