Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sir Rhinocerotidae Ceratotherium C. Simum.........and his family...

A bearded old ancestor....
Let me tell you about my family ................ Rhinocerotidae - White Rhinoceros Dicerorhinus D. sumatrensis - Sumatran Rhinoceros Diceros D. bicornis - Black Rhinoceros Rhinoceros R. unicornis - Indian Rhinoceros R. sondaicus - Javan Rhinoceros Coelodonta C. antiquitatis - Woolly Rhinoceros (extinct) Elasmotherium E. sibiricum - Giant Rhi ...

(This is Funny......... I just woke up and it is 0330 in the morning - I do understand that most people will not wake up and think about a Rhino...)
. Drawing by Albrecht Dürer, 1515, Nuremberg, Germany

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