Friday, February 13, 2009

African Masks, two Fulani Hats and a wari/owari game from Ghana..

Spent some time in Ghana this month - brought back some interesting pieces.

Mask from Ghana

Kponyungo Senufo Mask ( an assemblage of dangerous bestial form), Côte d’Ivoire - Mali.....

The powerful association of the tusks, horns, and voracious mouth creates a potent image used by the poro society (Poro is a secret men's society) in fighting witchcraft and evil.

Mask from Burkina Faso........

Fulani - nomadic tribe herdsmen and traders....

Larger Fulani Hat.....These hats were made in Burkina Faso or Mali. The Fulani people of West Africa are the largest nomadic group in the world. The Fulani nomads can be found in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Guinea. They hold to a strict caste system. The have four caste systems; nobility, merchants, blacksmiths, and descendants of slaves of wealthy Fulani.

Smaller Fulani hat.... the Fulani have a huge respect for beauty, and regard it as very important. The display it through their tattoos all over the bodies and the Fulani woman use a blackish color from Henna or tattooing to darken their lips.

Fulani woman...
wari/owari game from Ghana..

Samburu playing a version of the game...

(All photos except Fulani woman & Samburu.....taken by Tavarua)

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